25 Apr 2015

W101: Unit 1


Unit 1: An introduction to the Legal Framework is all about how law is classified, and about rights and responsibilities. It is the starting pointing of the Q79 LLB and is very basic… as studies progress, the depth of these initial lessons will increase.

The learning outcomes are:

  • understand the different ways in which law is classified
  • understand the distinction between the common law system and continental European civil law systems
  • understand the nature of the common law, the importance of case law, statute and equity
  • understand the distinction between public and private law, and the overlap between civil and criminal liability
  • understand the concept of law framed in terms of rights and responsibilities.

As seen from above, law can be classified in several ways, and though it may be confusing in the very beginning to newcomers (to the study of law), rest assured that with some time, it all begins to fit in. It’s interesting to note that the unit begins with asking the student to think of how law affects us every day. It points out that the law affects us from before we are born to after our death.

law classification table

© The Open University

International law is a mixture of treaties, international agreements and conventions which are agreed by the governments of the different states. It is consensual, whereas national law (law that is in effect within the borders of a country) is imposed on citizens regardless of their agreement or disagreement.

International law is relatively unenforceable. At best, economic sanctions can be applied, but there is nothing forcing a country to abide with any prior agreements. An example would be the Russia/Ukraine situation currently on-going. The EU and other Western countries have imposed sanctions against Russia but cannot use military actions without repercussions.

Next: common law and civil law systems.

19 Apr 2015

Returning to studies

I haven't updated this blog for a long time, primarily because I suffered some health issues (a heart attack) and had to give up my studies for the time I needed to recuperate. I'm back now, but my degree has changed from B05 to Q79, which is a new LLB from the Open University. The Q79 has started for the first time in October 2014. I guess this first batch of students will be the guinea pigs. (^_~)

The Q79 starts with module W101: An Introduction to Law. It is, for the very first time, an entirely online module, and as such, there are no books or materials to be had as before. Let me say from the onset, many students have complained of this lack of printed materials, as they are now bound to a computer/tablet and Internet to access the course.

It is possible to download the course as epub files, but from this one cannot access the links to the additional reading materials when offline. Neither can one do the exercises. It is also possible to download the audio and video files but again, one cannot link these to the correct place in the course when offline due to the naming conventions and the poor planning. Students therefore will need to be online to study properly. A broadband connection is recommended.

Q79 is made up as follows:

Block 01: The nature of the law
Block 02: Sources of law
Block 03: The administration of justice
Block 04: Elements of law and liability
Block 05: Legal remedies and sanctions.

These are further broken into a 30 weeks program and cover 18 units (on which I will be writing more later), 5 tutor marked assignments (TMAs) and 1 End of Module Assignment (EMA). There are 4 skill building sessions.

A pass is  40% minimum on all TMAs ("overall continuous assessment score (OCAS) is determined from scores for these assignments weighted as follows: TMA01 - 10%; TMA02 - 15%; TMA03 - 20%; TMA04 - 25%; TMA05 - 30%") and 40% on the EMA.   

I'll blog more on the individual units, and assignments, (no I will not be presenting assignments here) later on. At the moment, I am writing TMA 05 and preparing for EMA, so my course is almost over. Hopefully, anyone accessing this site will learn and benefit from my experience.